GWW, also known as Captain, has received a wide variety of gifts and boiled down his favorites to three areas of involving golf, drinking and traveling. We have taken his recommendations to heart and you can see the selection here. Here's a quick look at some of our favorites!
Gifts for drinking... We love the idea of giving the boys something

Gifts for traveling... For the globe trotting fellows in your wedding
party, the options are pretty much endless. Most of our personal favorites are items from Jon Hart Design, passport covers, leather dop kits, and leather luggage tags. The shaving kit on the left is one item that is a huge hit with the gentleman we know. It's a great size for someone who is constantly on short trips for business, big enough for all the essentials, but won't take up too much space in his carry-on.

If you're still having trouble figuring out what to get the boys, the Captain himself also recommends a personalized gift bag. Gift bags can include a couple of smaller items; a money clip, cuff links, booze (naturally), or snacks... think hospitality bag but nicer. Throw it all in a monogrammed tote, and you're good to go!