... Week of October 7, 2008...
PUSHING DAISIES... in a random act of Netflixing (yes I just turned netflix into a verb), I came across this little gem of a television show. In a sea of television shows full of melodramatic love affairs (yea I'm talkin' to you Meredith Grey), general smut (has anyone seen the new
90210, it almost makes you miss Brenda Walsh...), and over acting (anything on FOX),
Pushing Daisies is charming, light hearted, and honestly funny. The second season just started, and due to that lovely writer's strike of 2008, the first season is only 9 epsiodes so you can netflix and catch up in a snap. I mean if nothing else, that Lee Pace is kinda hot.
COSMETIC BAGS... These amazing silk cosmetic bags by Jan Sevadjian

are not only a steal at $32.95, they are really attractive too. If you are older than 14 it's time to trade in your "gift with purchase" Clinque makeup bag and treat yourself to a big girl cosmetic bag. I use mine in my gigantic purse (see previous Things We Love posts about that), to keep all the essentials: advil, pens, hair accessories, random jewelry, lipgloss, etc. ... pretty much all the things that generally find their way to the bottom of my purse. They come in a variety of different plaids, check them out at
The Monogram Merchant!TAILGATING... This may sound like a no brainer, I mean who doesn't love a legitimate excuse to drink during daylight

hours, but as someone who graduated from school a year or so ago, it's one of those things you don't realize you love till you aren't doing it EVERY Saturday. There is something to be said for getting up at 8 am and spending the day drinking and hanging out with 100,000 other people, who are all there for the same reason you are. And as someone who went to a school whose football team disappointed us on more than one occasion (how about them Clemson Tigers huh?)... who even cares if you make it to the game, tailgating is way more than half the battle anyway.